Saturday, August 31, 2019

Choose One of the Following Models of Psychosynthesis

Choose one of the following models of psychosynthesis: (a) subpersonalities, (b) ‘I’ and the sense of identity, (c) the egg diagram. Discuss and critique its usefulness as a tool for understanding your own development and its possible application to clinical work. This essay will choose to discuss model (b) ‘I’ and the sense of identity, particularly in relation to the work of John Firman.This essay aligns with the definitions of â€Å"I† and Self as outlined by Assagioli (1965), that â€Å"I† is one’s sense of personal self, the centre of our consciousness and will, and not to be confused with the psychological contents of consciousness. Assagioli recognized a powerful integrative principle acting within the human psyche – the Self, stating that â€Å"I† is a â€Å"projection† or â€Å"reflection† of Self, seeing Self as the Ground of Being, the luminous Source from which our being flows.I agree with Firmanâ €™s (1997) singular use of the term Self to refer to the entirety of â€Å"I†s deeper being. Through the process of psychosynthesis, Assagioli believed that the â€Å"I† could become freed up to establish itself as an autonomous centre serving the Self, and it is this â€Å"freeing up† of â€Å"I† from its surrounding â€Å"contents†, including its many constellations of personalities, known as subpersonalities in psychosynthesis, that can allow for a person’s authentic sense of identity to emerge.This essay will focus on the fundamental nature of empathy in psychosynthesis thought, as an inherent quality of â€Å"I†, with its source in Self, and how, through the emerging sense of my own sense of â€Å"I†, the development of my own personal centre, this psychological tool assisted in my understanding of my own development, and was in fact utterly key to it. I will then discuss and critique the â€Å"I†s possible appl ication to clinical work, especially in relation to the importance of developing empathy.Empathy in this sense refers to the potential of â€Å"I† to be fundamentally loving towards all aspects of the personality (Firman and Gila 2007). This emergence of â€Å"I† may be seen as the heart of psychosynthesis therapy, and the pre-requisite for authentic self-expression in the world, as Assagioli affirms, â€Å"I am a living, loving, willing self† (Assagioli 1973, 156).It is precisely the ability of the therapist to provide an authentic unifying centre for the client that Assagioli emphasized as imperative to the development of personal identity, seeing such a unifying centre as â€Å"An indirect but true link, a point of connection between the personal man and his higher Self, which is reflected and seen in that object† (Assagioli 1965,25). Thus, the empathic, relational interaction with such an external unifying centre conditions the formation of an inner r epresentation or model of that centre, which can be called an internal unifying centre.In this sense the inner centre becomes capable of fulfilling the same function as the external one. In psychosynthesis, the â€Å"I† is taken as the sense of identity with its roots in Self. Assagioli (1965) affirmed the essential unity of â€Å"I† and Self, but he was also careful to maintain a distinction between them, since â€Å"I† is one’s personal sense of self flowing from the more universal nature of Self. In psychosynthesis, it is this relationship, between â€Å"I† and Self, that forms the very ground of Self-realization, defined here as one’s sense of authentic relationship.Assagioli’s insight into the nature of personal identity, or â€Å"I†, is central to psychosynthesis thought, and he was also clear not to confuse such personal identity with organizations of psychological content. Rather he saw â€Å"I† as distinct but n ot separate from any contents of experience, from any and all processes or structures of the personality† (Firman & Gila 2007, 9). One primary way Assagioli stressed to reveal the nature of â€Å"I†, was through introspection, an act of self-observation, attending to the ever arising contents of experience in consciousness. †¦the point of pure self-awareness (the â€Å"I†), is often confused with the conscious personality just described, but in reality it is quite different from it. This can be ascertained by the use of careful introspection. The changing contents of our consciousness (the sensations, thoughts, feelings, etc) are one thing, while the â€Å"I†, the self, the centre of our consciousness is another. † (Assagioli, 1965, 18). Here, a clear distinction is made between one’s sense of identity and one’s personality, a central and profound distinction within psychosynthesis thought.I began my own personal journey with a gre at need to establish my own sense of identity. I had a very broken experience of self that many times led me into a crises of identity. It was through the practice of introspection, or self-attention, in the form of continuous attention to the consciousness â€Å"I†, or the inner feeling â€Å"I†, that I developed my own sense of self. In my teenage years, my sense of identity would constantly move through what was for me, a very fragmented terrain of personality, and I had a very fragile connection to an authentic centre of identity within my personality matrix.Through the process of self-attention, I was able to establish an authentic sense of identity. Once this sense of â€Å"I† had been established as a â€Å"good enough† sense of self within me, a process of self-empathy could develop as a result of this, providing me with an â€Å"internal holding environment† (Winnicot 1987, 34), of empathy and love, an internal unifying centre, a ground fr om which to include ever more of my experience, allowing me greater exploration of self, and a centre from which to form such experiences into creative expression in the world.This leads onto one of the most useful aspects of this model in my experience, which is the concept of disidentification, a necessary requisite of empathic love. This refers to the capacity of â€Å"I† to not get stuck in, identified with, any particular contents of experience, such as thoughts, feelings, sensations, subpersonalities, etc, but rather to be able to shift and move through them all (Firman & Gila 2007).My personal practice of attention to the inner feeling â€Å"I† acted for me as an external unifying centre, that over time, coupled with my own therapeutic experience, became the internal holding environment of my own authentic sense of â€Å"I†. Through this psychosynthetic approach to identity, one may come to discover that one is not what one sees, that is the contents of c onsciousness, but rather, one is the seer themselves, the point of pure consciousness embodied within the various contents.Through this capacity of the â€Å"I† to be distinct but not separate from such contents of consciousness, the possibility of self-empathy may be born, whereby one learns to enter into a relationship with all parts of oneself, experiencing each, without losing one’s inherent sense of identity. This was of invaluable use to me in my development as it allowed me to find an anchor as it were, a point of stability, within an ever changing flow of experience.And for me, it was this process of disidentification that allowed me to disentangle myself from â€Å"survival personality† (Firman & Gila 1997), that defensive part of me that had formed as a result of not being â€Å"seen† and validated as an â€Å"I† when I was a child, due to what self-psychology calls â€Å"empathic failures† in my early holding environment. In my ca se this was due to a mother who â€Å"saw† me through a projection of her own self thus resulting in my own core essence not â€Å"being seen†.This led to deep â€Å"primal wounding† in me, and from this it becomes clear how Assagioli’s â€Å"introspection† may serve as part of what can heal such â€Å"primal wounding,† which Firman and Gila define as â€Å"an experienced disruption in the empathic mirroring relationship between the personal self or â€Å"I† and Self† (Firman & Gila 1997, 89). This may allow for a sense of continuity of being to be established, since the I-Self connection is that essential empathic connection, hinting at the relational source of human being.In my experience, one of the potential dangers of this model is that the concept of â€Å"I† may be taken literally, as a thought, rather than as a person’s authentic experiential centre of being. Here, a danger is that the tool of disidentific ation could act as a further form of dissociation rather than allowing space for the deeper vulnerabilities of the personality. For me, this manifested in that I would identify with the pure â€Å"I† as a single and specific mode of experience that rendered other modes remote, becoming a further aspect of my â€Å"survival personality†.However, since disidentification has been defined as â€Å"simple, introspective, self-empathic witnessing†¦. founded in the transcendence-immanence of â€Å"I† – the ability of â€Å"I† to be distinct, but not separate from the contents of awareness. † (Firman & Gila, 1977, 56), it is identification, and not disidentification that is the dynamic underlying dissociation. It is important here to bring in the concept of subpersonalities, that may be defined as the â€Å"many constellations of thought, each composing an identity† (Ram Dass, cited in Firman & Gila 1977,63), since the theoretical istinc tion between one’s authentic sense of identity and the many â€Å"subpersonal† identities is essential in psychosynthesis. Firman & Russel (1994) use the concept of â€Å"authentic personality† when referring to this â€Å"empathic reaching† within oneself to realize the authentic, whole expression of one’s essential nature or â€Å"I-amness†, which they argue is akin to the true â€Å"inner child†; and they distinguish between what they call one’s true personality â€Å"core†, and the varying â€Å"ego-states† or subpersonalities.Psychosynthesis therapy is able to provide a powerful environment of support and nurturance for the emerging sense of a client’s authentic â€Å"I-amness†, allowing for the client’s self-expression to begin to express their â€Å"true nature†, rather than their sense of identity and self-expression being based on an unconscious attempt at self-defence.So these ideas are very useful in relation to understanding how a person’s authentic sense of â€Å"I† or identity can become enmeshed in â€Å"survival personality† due to childhood wounding, and how, through the therapeutic experience of an â€Å"authentic unifying centre†, and a â€Å"holding environment† that fosters authentic, spontaneous expression of self rather than defensive focus on survival, the emergence of authentic â€Å"I† may emerge as the central feature of a person’s personality and identity, potentially allowing them a more creative and authentic life in the world.The point here is that identity is relational, and not an isolated event, and thus, a clinical setting may provide a holding environment that may allow for a â€Å"good enough† healing of a person’s I-Self connection to allow for enough personal continuity of being, begetting a stronger path of self-actualization. In my experience, my own therapist p rovided me with an external unifying centre that has continued to be a powerful centre for me and my journey into authentic relationship (Self-realization).My own psychotherapy became for me my first relational experience that allowed me to feel â€Å"seen†. â€Å"When I look, I am seen, therefore I exist. † (Winnicot, 1988b, 134), and thus begun my work of personal psychosynthesis with grounded and self-actualizing potency. For me, I realized that my true work lay in the mastery and integration of my total being â€Å"around the unifying centre of the â€Å"I†Ã¢â‚¬  (Assagioli, 1965, 51).Chris Meriam (1996) makes it clear, as already discussed, that the first principle of empathic enquiry, applied to ourselves, is our willing exploration of our subjective world as a way of understanding that world, holding ourselves as â€Å"I† distinct but not separate from all that we encounter. â€Å"When we relate to ourselves in this way – simultaneously t ranscending and engaging the vast array of psychological content†¦we become more deeply self-understanding, self-empathic† (Chris Meriam 1996, 18).Applying this to a clinical setting, Meriam speaks of the inner world of the client being engaged in much the same way allowing for the emergence of their own â€Å"I† and authentic sense of identity. In this sense, the therapist remains distinct but not separate from the client’s world, also taking the same stance towards the clients â€Å"issues†. It is referring to this capacity of empathic â€Å"I† that Firman & Gila (2007) speak of â€Å"I† as â€Å"transcendent-immanent†.This ability to â€Å"hold† the client in their â€Å"I-amness† allows them the opportunity for empathic engagement with â€Å"any and all† of their subjective experience. Thus, the emerging sense of empathic â€Å"I† that is given possibility through psychosynthesis therapy, allows a c lient to bring to awareness unconscious identifications that may be functional within their psychological patterning, constricting their consciousness and inhibiting their growth. In this vein, Assagioli writes, â€Å"We are dominated by everything with which our self becomes identified† (Assagioli 1965, 22).Here Assagioli is speaking of unconscious identification where we have become â€Å"captured† by our subjective world rather than standing in a â€Å"free† position to it. So the empathic â€Å"I† or personal self of the therapist allows the therapist to offer interventions based on an emerging understanding of the client’s subjective world as an interpenetrating mixture of higher, middle, and lower unconscious material â€Å"-of personal and transpersonal activities and states of awareness-all underscored and held together by a deeper empathic Self. (Chris Meriam 1996, 16) Here again, it is worth noting the potential danger of an individual m isusing the idea of transcendence as a form of â€Å"spiritual bypassing† (Firman & Gila 2007) of certain unwanted identifications or more â€Å"difficult† psychological content, thusly ignoring the deeper â€Å"transcendent-immanent† capacity of empathic â€Å"I† to engage in the full exploration of subjective experience.It is to be aware that withdrawal from psychological content as a form of avoidance is dissociating from the very ground of empathic relationship, and thus, authentic personal sense of identity is â€Å"disconnected†. However, within proper use of empathic â€Å"I† is held the tremendous potential that can be offered through the clinical setting in relation to the development of a person’s â€Å"I† and sense of identity.Here, as Chris Meriam (1996) notes, not only is â€Å"I† inherently of empathic nature, but also includes qualities of observation and awareness, responsibility, power, and choice. †Å"I† has consciousness and will. These potentialities of â€Å"I†, ever in line with true psychosynthesis, allow for the possibility of an ever deepening sense of identity and self-knowledge, an ever deepening degree of self-realization, and an ever widening field of authentic self-actualization, as one learns to express oneself with, and be guided by, integrity and creative self-expression in the world.In conclusion, it is clear how utterly central the â€Å"I† and sense of identity are to psychosynthesis and psychosynthesis therapy. In my own case, the profound insight into â€Å"I† underpinned my connection not only to my own inner and authentic sense of self, helping me distinguish between â€Å"I† and my â€Å"community of selves†, but also how it also lay down the foundations of my authentic relational experience with others.In this light, I feel that one of the major aspects of this model, is the understanding of the I-Self relationshi p as â€Å"containing† the very source of empathy, and thereby situating the very â€Å"heart† and â€Å"core† of personal identity as an empathic and relational experience, rather than an isolated event of personal liberation independent and detached from the relational field altogether, as posed by so many traditional spiritual paths. Also, through â€Å"I†s empathic presence in a clinical setting, and with applied echniques such as personal â€Å"introspection†, psychosynthesis therapy may allow for an ever more authentic and emerging sense of self within the client. Here the main point brought forth is that the psychosynthetic, psychotherapeutic relationship â€Å"works†, fundamentally, because of its allowance and nurturing of the clients emerging sense of empathic â€Å"I†, ultimately fostering the development of an internal unifying centre and the subsequent development of authentic personality. Taking this further, we might co nclude that empathy is the key to understanding our connection to all forms of life and all existence. We may even have a keen sense that everything from the tiniest particle of sand to the most distant star is held together in empathic wholeness. † (Chris Meriam 1965, 23) Thus, may â€Å"I† offer not only one’s authentic sense of identity, but â€Å"I† may also be the very point of relational connection itself, and the very heart of communion with All-That-Is.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Pride in Antigone

Swallow Your Pride He rushed to the vault to free Antigone of the imprisonment he placed upon her himself, little did Creon know, it was too late. With a swing of the door, death looked upon his face. There lay Antigone, sulking in her own bereavement, she hung herself. To Creon’s dismay, he was forced to come to the reality that he let his own selfish egotism destroy not only his life, but the lives of many others. Even with warning, this man still went on with his nose in the air doubting anyone’s reasoning but his own, he believed what he says was best so what he decided asking went, in reality, his cognitive thinking only lead to tragedy.The story Antigone by Sophocles, exemplifies the moral that human pride can be vicious and destructive. Chiefly, Haimon, Creon’s son, has a strong part in upholding this lesson. Haimon claims, â€Å"It is wrong, if I am wrong. But I am young, and right. † (Line 10, pg. 794) In this part of the story, he is quarreling w ith his father about his relationship he hopes to have with Antigone who Creon does not particularly like. Haimon has pride through his young age, he believes with his youth, all things are possible. Also, Haimon says, â€Å"There is no threat in speaking to emptiness† (Line 126,pg. 94) His pride is pushing through the thought that his father’s words mean nothing to him, Hamion is relenting towards his father because he believes he is right and will never back down. Comparatively, Antigone is conceited in her own way as well. Although she wants a relationship with Haimon, against all odds and without any prohibitions, she wants to bury her brother more than anything. In ancient Greece where the story takes place, it is said that according to the Gods, if a relative does not wash and bury the dead body, the soul will never be at rest.Antigone says, â€Å"I should have praise and honor for what I have done†(Line 113,pg. 784) She believes at any and all costs she i s right, her pride ends up coming in between her own life. When Creon threatens to kill her, Ismene, her sister, asks her if she can help but she insists, â€Å"You would not help me, and I will not have you help me. † (Line 149, pg. 785) Creon ends up locking Antigone in a vault and letting the Gods decide her fate where she ends up hanging herself out of misery. Aside from everyone else is Creon, King of the land only by blood line. He insists that Antigone’s brother does not deserve a proper burial.To Creon, an act such as this would be dishonorable to the Gods. He exclaims, â€Å"I’ll string you up alive†, (Line 138, pg. 780), to Antigone while arguing. Creon has the type of pride that comes with power, he is head strong and believes his word is law and no one is above it. â€Å"Who is the man here, she or I, if this crime goes unpunished? †(Line 95, pg. 784) Creon says to exemplify that he is just in the situation. The King ends up causing a t ragedy. After Antigone kills herself, his son, Haimon, attempts to kill him but fails. Haimon ends up stabbing him own self to death.Creon’s wife found out and as he carried his son’s dead body to her, he came home only to find that she too had took her own life. Pride can be deceitful, distrustful but most importantly, unforgettable. In today’s society, many leaders are just like the characters of Antigone, only out to get what they want. Power hungry people roam the world every day, searching for something to claim as their own and to make right by their standards. Soon enough, those people will realize that with smugness comes corruption. One day, they will have to swallow their pride and take ahold of what’s truly just. Pride in Antigone Swallow Your Pride He rushed to the vault to free Antigone of the imprisonment he placed upon her himself, little did Creon know, it was too late. With a swing of the door, death looked upon his face. There lay Antigone, sulking in her own bereavement, she hung herself. To Creon’s dismay, he was forced to come to the reality that he let his own selfish egotism destroy not only his life, but the lives of many others. Even with warning, this man still went on with his nose in the air doubting anyone’s reasoning but his own, he believed what he says was best so what he decided asking went, in reality, his cognitive thinking only lead to tragedy.The story Antigone by Sophocles, exemplifies the moral that human pride can be vicious and destructive. Chiefly, Haimon, Creon’s son, has a strong part in upholding this lesson. Haimon claims, â€Å"It is wrong, if I am wrong. But I am young, and right. † (Line 10, pg. 794) In this part of the story, he is quarreling w ith his father about his relationship he hopes to have with Antigone who Creon does not particularly like. Haimon has pride through his young age, he believes with his youth, all things are possible. Also, Haimon says, â€Å"There is no threat in speaking to emptiness† (Line 126,pg. 94) His pride is pushing through the thought that his father’s words mean nothing to him, Hamion is relenting towards his father because he believes he is right and will never back down. Comparatively, Antigone is conceited in her own way as well. Although she wants a relationship with Haimon, against all odds and without any prohibitions, she wants to bury her brother more than anything. In ancient Greece where the story takes place, it is said that according to the Gods, if a relative does not wash and bury the dead body, the soul will never be at rest.Antigone says, â€Å"I should have praise and honor for what I have done†(Line 113,pg. 784) She believes at any and all costs she i s right, her pride ends up coming in between her own life. When Creon threatens to kill her, Ismene, her sister, asks her if she can help but she insists, â€Å"You would not help me, and I will not have you help me. † (Line 149, pg. 785) Creon ends up locking Antigone in a vault and letting the Gods decide her fate where she ends up hanging herself out of misery. Aside from everyone else is Creon, King of the land only by blood line. He insists that Antigone’s brother does not deserve a proper burial.To Creon, an act such as this would be dishonorable to the Gods. He exclaims, â€Å"I’ll string you up alive†, (Line 138, pg. 780), to Antigone while arguing. Creon has the type of pride that comes with power, he is head strong and believes his word is law and no one is above it. â€Å"Who is the man here, she or I, if this crime goes unpunished? †(Line 95, pg. 784) Creon says to exemplify that he is just in the situation. The King ends up causing a t ragedy. After Antigone kills herself, his son, Haimon, attempts to kill him but fails. Haimon ends up stabbing him own self to death.Creon’s wife found out and as he carried his son’s dead body to her, he came home only to find that she too had took her own life. Pride can be deceitful, distrustful but most importantly, unforgettable. In today’s society, many leaders are just like the characters of Antigone, only out to get what they want. Power hungry people roam the world every day, searching for something to claim as their own and to make right by their standards. Soon enough, those people will realize that with smugness comes corruption. One day, they will have to swallow their pride and take ahold of what’s truly just.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Toxic Substances Control Act, United States Research Paper

Toxic Substances Control Act, United States - Research Paper Example While the enactment of codified environmental acts with TSCA has brought certain advantages in reducing health risks and negative impact to the environment in general through the course of history since the 1970s, its scope and limitations are perceived to necessitate evaluation measures that suit current demands. History Originally proposed in 1971 by the President’s Council on Environmental Quality, federal legislation for TSCA arrived at a report on ‘Toxic Substances’, detailing a defined need for comprehensive legislation in identifying and controlling chemicals whose production, processing, distribution, application, as well as disposal may pose serious threat to humans and environment alike, especially since environmental statutes back then were lacking adequate regulations. . In 1972 and the following year, bills for the 92nd and 93rd Congresses were passed by the House and the Senate respectively when certain issues rose regarding the scope of tests perfor med, economic consequence, and efficiency in comparison to other regulatory laws. TSCA was approved and officialized into law under the regime of President Ford as the latter signed for its approval on October 11, 1976, under which EPA was granted jurisdiction to address reported episodes of environmental contamination by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) of Hudson River and other waterways, chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) emissions toward gradual stratospheric ozone depletion, and polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) with agricultural impact. Estimating optimum levels of costs imposed upon TSCA implementation as well as related provisions inventory and hazard notifications were also required for EPA to maintain besides pertinent screening procedures and control of existing industrially used toxic chemicals. Major amendments to the TSCA initially comprised in a single title included Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act under Public Law Number 99-519 (Title II) in 1986 which enabled EPA to set standards for asbestos mitigation in schools, requiring asbestos contractors to be trained and certified as well. Radon Program Development Act in 1988 followed by Radon Measurement two years later, as stated in P.L. 100-551 (Title III) and P.L. 101-508 correspondingly contained directions for EPA to provide technical assistance to states that opt to support monitoring and control of radon. Asbestos School Hazard Abatement Reauthorization Act under P.L. 101-637 moreover was enacted in 1999 whereas the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992 through P.L. 102-550 (Title IV) was sought to be carried out in providing assistance leading to abatement of lead-based paint hazards. Through Title V, similarly, environmental concerns at schools along with energy efficiency were dealt with by the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 within P.L. 110-140 while Title I was further amended in terms of sales restrictions for elementary mercury in 2008 being authorized by Me rcury Export Ban Act under P.L. 110-414. TSCA Coverage / Content One chief objective of TSCA was to enable producers to develop test data, directing EPA to require such on existing chemicals in case – (1) the manufacture, processing, distribution, use, or disposal of the chemical ‘may present an unreasonable risk’ or (2) when the chemical is produced in substantial quantity by volume, posing the threat of being released to the environment in equivalent or proportional amount which entails a range of measureable impact upon a populace of high biodiversity. Since there were more than

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Folding and Aggregation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Folding and Aggregation - Essay Example The three dimensional structures of proteins aid in delineating protein functions at a molecular level and the structure of proteins are determined usually with X ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy etc. Some structural features of proteins would be necessary to perform certain biochemical functions although multifunctional and structural proteins may have higher number of residues than the average of 300 residues. Large aggregates are formed as a result of folding from protein subunits and actin molecules also assemble into actin filaments. The protein structure has four distinct features including amino acid sequence of peptide chains as seen in a primary structure, secondary structures which are regular sub structures, such as strands of beta sheet, tertiary structure as seen in the three dimensional structure of a single protein molecule and quaternary structure which represents a complex of polypeptide chains and protein molecules (Copley, 1997; Berg, 2002). Proteins tend to transition between structures to perform the biological functions and this would be known as conformational changes. The primary structure of proteins with amino acid sequences would be held together by covalent peptide bonds and the extremities of the amino acid chains are known as carboxy terminus (C - terminus) and amino terminus ( N -terminus). The secondary structures are defined by their patterns of hydrogen bonds between the peptide groups although these bonds are generally not too stable except in conditions when the water concentration is low as in molten globule or fully folded states (Urbanc et al, 2006). The non specific interactions and propensities of amino acids would lead to the formation of molten globules. The tertiary structure shows structurally specific interactions within the protein domain with side chains and hydrogen bonds. The disulfide bonds tend to stabilize the tertiary structures of extra cellular proteins and reduce entropy in an unfolded state. The 4 levels of protein structure are given diagrammatically as follows - Figure I - From, biology courses, 2005 handouts The formation of proteins could be explained as the combination of two amino acids in a condensation reaction and long chains of residues such as amino acids in peptide bond. The sequence of amino acids forms the primary structure of the peptide or protein and is determined by a gene. Within the primary structure, a sequence of nucleotides in DNA is transcribed into mRNA and this is translated by a ribosome and the sequence tends to define the structure and functions of the protein and would be unique to any specific protein. Determining the sequence of nucleotides within the primary structure would actually help in defining the protein (Berg, 2002; Copley, 1997). In the secondary structure, alpha helix and beta sheet saturate the peptide and secondary structures tend to occur most frequently in most proteins. The secondary structure elements tend to have a regular geometry with specific values and are usually folded into a shape with loops and turns (Berg, 2002, Copley, 1997). Terti ary structures are formed with interactions such as hydrogen bonding and ionic interactions and

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Strengths and Weaknesses of Social Contract Theory Research Paper

Strengths and Weaknesses of Social Contract Theory - Research Paper Example This paper tells that the social contract is considered to be an agreement between the state and those subjected to it, over their duties towards one another and how these duties are likely to be carried out. It is through the belief in this contract that many states today have come to be formed, and this mainly through the development of constitutions. The social contract theory recognizes that individuals have their own natural rights some of which they surrender to their governments so that the latter can protect their remaining rights. This paper seeks to show that while the social contract theory has many strengths, it also has various weaknesses, both of which will be addressed. The social contract theory is one which attempts to bring order to the society through the recognition of the rights and duties of individuals and states towards each other. This recognition allows for the development of a constitution which helps in the formulation of laws the protect the rights of ind ividuals while at the same time making it possible for people within the society to recognize their responsibilities not only to the state but also towards one another. It is through this recognition that it becomes possible for the government to enforce its authority over the society within its territory and this helps it to protect the individuals living within it. This theory can be considered to be a guideline for governments on how they can handle their responsibilities towards their people, for example, the provision of security as well as ensuring that their people are able to exercise their freedoms without any prejudice. It also recognizes that there are certain situations where individual rights have to be put aside in favor of the good of society especially in situations where individuals are required to pay taxes in order to help the government to fulfill its obligations.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Open Innovation Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Open Innovation Theory - Essay Example The purpose of this paper is to illustrate and analyze new practices by drawing attention to practices on capitalization of a company’s innovation knowledge and potential through participation of resources and external factors (Chesbrough, 2009). OpEx is a project that reinforces and constructs the need of opening an external innovation process to give way to innovation. From a wider perspective, it has been argued that paradigm shift takes place based on how companies commercialize and conceptualize inventions and knowledge leading to firms becoming permeable. On a business perspective, there is inconclusive evidence in defining and understanding open innovation but on this particular subject, the focus on open innovation on a business perspective is more engaging and extensive. There are a number of frameworks on open innovation which can be used to examine the implications and application of open innovation in companies as well as creating various relationships between stud ents and industry. These include crowd sourcing, absorptive capacity, innovation communities, outside-in and inside out process. The approach for identifying open innovation practices is by cases identified in the literature that offers suggestions on how firms can deploy and conceptualize open innovation. Examples of strategies implemented are; Unilever, Volvo and Procter & Gamble to name but a few (Dodgson, 2008). This report focuses more on giving an explanation to issues that surround the establishment of academia industry relationship and tools that can be used in fostering such relations for the open innovation. Factors that affect collaborations between academia and industry are presented and numerous strategies to strengthen the open innovation realization are also elaborated. The internet has become a significant driver on introducing forms of community participation to create and disseminate innovation. (Dahlander, 2008). Disclosing academia industry collaboration through open innovation on the internet has become a viable and an interesting approach to enact open innovation. Introduction This paper consists of a particular focus on the establishment and maintenance of academia industry relations as a way of creating and sharing innovations and ideas. It focuses its attention on exemplar practices to capitalize the knowledge of innovation and its potential leading to external factor’s seamless integration. Interactions rather than occurring in a physical world, it takes place through the internet and is mediated by richly mediated interfaces. The open innovation platforms through integration could enhance access to entrepreneurs, academics, consultants and researchers. Incorporation of particular mechanisms and principles can be recommended into practices of open innovation by allowing interactive and media rich collaborations between academia and industries. According to Chesbrough, â€Å"Open innovation is the use of purposive inflows and o utflows of knowledge to accelerate internal innovation, and expand the markets for external use of innovation, respectively. Open innovation is a paradigm that assumes that firms can and should use external ideas, as well as internal ideas, and external and internal paths to market, as they look to advance to technology† (Chesbrough, 2012: p. vii). This means that organizations should use external technologies and ideas in their businesses while on the hand allowing other companies to use the unused ideas. Open innovation frameworks Numerous open innovation frameworks are used to design and implement open innovation. Moreover, these frameworks can also be used to examine the implications and application of open innovation in companies but also create certain types of academia-industry relations

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Social media in recruitment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Social media in recruitment - Essay Example For organizations, social media recruitment involves the application of social media tools such as Twitter and Facebook to hire new staff. For job seekers, social media recruitment also involves the use of social media tools, but to find employment (Hegebarth, 2012:34). Overall, social media means harnessing the power of social media to identify and exploit opportunities in the employment industry. Unlike traditional methods of recruitment, social media introduces a new dynamic that involves virtual interaction. With social media, employers and prospective employees do not have to meet physically until the signing of contracts. This is a marked change when compared to traditional techniques in which physical contact was compulsory (Paik & Navarre-Jackson, 2011:479). Ernst & Young is an example of a company that is using social media to facilitate recruitment. The company has built an employer brand on social networks and successfully positioned itself as the premier place to work. It also uses social media like Skype to conduct interviews for job seekers. Finally, the firm uses its social media presence to update job seekers on latest trends in job searching. Job seekers are probably the biggest beneficiaries of social media. Over the years, they have learnt to exploit the power of social media in their quest to find the right employer (Brown & Swain, 2009:45). Currently, job seekers submit CVs online and interact with companies that have a social media presence. Job seekers take time to monitor pages and handles of companies with a social media presence to get updates on job recruitment, new opportunities, and industry status. It is now common for job seekers to hear about vacancies on social media and then apply, get interviewed (on social media) and start working. Another often underrated use of social media among job seekers is in learning how to conduct themselves in interviews. Of course there are other sources of this information in

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Why should we make Alcohol illegal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Why should we make Alcohol illegal - Essay Example Alcohol blocks different messages of the brain and proper messages reception is not possible in this scenario. The perceptions, movement, control, hearing and the excessive use of alcohol affects the vision of a person. People usually become addictive to alcohol because when they take it into small amounts then at times they feel more relaxed and less anxious. However, if you consume alcohol in excessive amounts then it might result in intoxication. There are different people who slur when they speak, they losses their coordination and this is all because of alcohol. All these alcohol consumers are confused and disoriented in their lives. The effects of intoxication in certain conditions are slow and people become very angry and aggressive at times. The alcohol is associated as one of the deadliest drugs of the planet because of the fact that it links the phenomenon of slow poisoning. The negative effects of alcohol can be identified by the fact that if alcohol is consumed in greater quantities than a person might die because of alcohol poisoning. People might also engage in violent vomiting and because of it, death might occur. Despite all these problems that are associated with the consumption of alcohol, there are different people and even teenagers who consume alcohol in the form of beers, whiskeys, rum, etc. Organizations that own alcohol oriented products market these products extensively uses adventurous themes to market the products. Ultimately, when people consume these products they affected by that.

CRIMINAL LAW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

CRIMINAL LAW - Essay Example ort published in 2006 made recommendations calculated to address the current complexities of the homicide laws which invariably involve a three tier division of the offences of unlawful homicide. 5 This paper critically evaluates the merits of the Law Commission’s recommendations in the context of the current laws governing unlawful homicide. It will be argued that the Law Commission’s recommendations with respect to dividing unlawful homicide into three distinct groups is fair. This is particularly so since fair labelling principles in criminal law are important for distinguishing between different levels of culpability.6 Under the law of homicide in England and Wales, the killing of another human being can be either lawful or unlawful.7 Lawful homicide which may include killing during wartime, the accidental killing of another during a lawful sporting event or during a lawful death penalty execution are outside the ambit of this paper. Unlawful homicide is currently compartmentalized in England and Wales as either manslaughter, murder or infanticide.8 Unlawful homicide requires actus reus which refers to the guilty act. The difficulties and complexities of unlawful homicide arise however with the establishment of mens rea, the second element of each of the offences.9 The mens rea refers to the mental element and invariably involves issues of intent and causation.10 Fiona Brookeman describes how the essential element of mens rea creates difficulties with respect to unlawful homicide: â€Å"Whilst it is relatively straightforward to prescribe or define a particular act with particular consequences as a guilty act, it is far from straightforward to determine to what extent the act or its consequences were intended. In other words it has to be acknowledged that not all killings are intended and that there exists, therefore, different levels of culpability or guilt amongst perpetrators.†11 The manner in which unlawful homicide treats the offence of

Friday, August 23, 2019

Research paper on Armenia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Research paper on Armenia - Essay Example In this paper, we will focus on the historical contexts of Armenia. With that, we mean that we will delve into the historical times of the country and what cultural attachments there are for us to see and understand from in the context of Armenia as a historical state. Whilst on the topic of research for this paper, we find that Armenia as a nation has never found things going easily for herself. There have been invasions, troubles, and battles all around which have marred the historical significance of the country nonetheless. Armenia since prehistoric times has been proposed as the Garden of Eden as it is surrounded by the Biblical mountains of the Ararat. The Armenian highlands are credited as being as first ones in the world to have any traces of human civilization. The capital of Armenia, Yerevan has founded in the year 782 BC and is a rich splendor when the talk rises up concerning the heritage of human civilizations. Orontid Dynasty is known as the first kingdom which was formed within Armenia and this had its fair share under the different dynasties that actually existed within the time until 428 AD. This kingdom became one of the most powerful ones between 95 and 66 BC. There were periods of independence which were enjoyed by Armenia during this time as well as autonomy was there for the rulers to enjoy during the dynasty. The dynasty thus can easily suggest to us the sort of aura Armenia had for its countrymen and women yet it failed to live up to the historians’ expectations in the matter that there were troubles looming all around.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Drinking Age Essay Example for Free

Drinking Age Essay Many rights have different ages of initiation. A person can obtain a hunting license at age 12, drivers license at age 16, vote and serve in the military at 18, serve in the U.S. House of Representatives at age 25 and in the U.S. Senate at age 30, and run for President at age 35. At 18 years old youre considered to be an adult. You can get loans, buy a car, house, get marry, and adopt children. To live on your own legally at the age of eighteen and to have all these other responsibilities, it’s ridiculous not to be allowed to have the right to have a drink. For this reason, it would make sense to lower the legal age for alcohol consumption back to the age of eighteen. I strongly feel that the age should be 18. We wait are whole lives to be 18 because that’s when were considered an adult. As a teenager who recently turned 18 we want to experience adult things. I want to be considered an adult and to me being able to have a drink show’s that I am a mature adult. Underage drinking is already a problem in everyday life, we have kids who can get fake Ids or even just get someone else to get them alcohol so really what’s the age law even accomplishing if people are still getting alcohol and their under the age of 21. I’ve read a recent interview and this is what it said, Dr. Hanson â€Å"Youre saying that simply lowering the drinking age would solve the problem of drinking abuse among young people?† Dr. Engs â€Å"Unfortunately, it wouldnt solve the problem. However, it would be an important step in the right direction. The experience of many societies and groups demonstrates that drinking problems are reduced when young people learn at home from their parents how to drink in a moderate and responsible manner. As parents we need to be good role models in what we say and do.And lowering the drinking age would help send the important message that drinking is, in itself, not evidence of maturity that responsible consumption fo r those who choose to drink is evidence of maturity.We need to reinforce the norm of moderation by making it clear that the abuse of alcohol is completely unacceptable by anyone. This would help stress that it is not drinking that is the problem but rather drinking abusively that is the problem. Lowering the drinking age would teach kids how to be more responsible at a younger age. Most teens already drink, whether its legal or not, but making it legal would allow for more education. If we educate teens on how to drink responsibly, then they will be less likely to binge drink. People say eighteen year olds can’t handle alcohol, because they make to many mistakes. If you start to drink at eighteen or twenty one your tolerance is still going to be the same. Meaning, that no matter what age you start to drink at, you don’t know how much you can handle until you start drinking. So when people say eighteen year olds make too many mistakes when they drink it’s only because they started drinking, just as a twenty one year old will make mistakes when they start to drink. Everyone makes mistakes no matter how old they are. I know for a fact that a lot of teenagers drink regardless of the drinking age, either at home or at parties. People make it seem that because teenagers can get to alcohol, if we lower the drinking age that kids younger then eighteen, kids will also be able to access alcohol even easier and start drinking at a even younger age, but really everyone if they really wanted to could get alcohol. So it wouldn’t even make a difference if the age was lowered. But like I said before it doesn’t matter what age you are when you first start to drink you are going to make mistakes it is part of the learning process. If the drinking age was lowered it wouldn’t seem like the cool thing to do anymore and teens would be more responsible with it. The drinking age is 21 when younger adults get their hands on alcohol they tend to drink a lot more because they don’t know when they will be able to get alcohol again. If we start to drink at a younger age we will see the consequences of drinking irresponsible and learn from it. So as we get older we realize how much we should consume and how much we shouldn’t. In today’s world alcohol is always going to be a problem no matter what age. But having the drinking age at 21 can be a bad idea. It makes teenagers go crazy when they get their hands on alcohol not teaching them the maturity you have to have when you drink. If the drinking age becomes lowered it will help kids from the ages 12 to 18 realize how important alcohol is and how mature we must become when we are under the influence of alcohol. They tell us how we aren’t allowed to drink, that we aren’t old enough or mature enough to do it, but the more adults talk about it, the more teenagers want to do it. When a kid goes off to college, it’s expected that he is going to drink. That’s the college experience that all teenagers look forward to, I know I did. Most kids or teens don’t know how much they can drink or even their limit to drinking. That is when yo u get people doing stupid things because they don’t know any better. Any eighteen years old they can drink responsibly if they have a little bit of experience or even have their parents teach them. If I was a parent I would like to be able to sit down and have a drink with my son or daughter not to get drunk but to just spend time with my family. According to in certain states the law allows you to drink with your child as long as it’s on your property. In Wisconsin, there is an exception that allows a minor to consume alcohol if accompanied by their parent or legal guardian. Social drinking is acceptable; it is a time to have fun while still being in control. Parents can teach their kids how to drink responsibly. Isnt that what a parents supposed to do teach their kids what is right and wrong , to learn from their mistakes and do the right thing in the end. The responsibility given to eighteen year olds includes many opportunities to make decisions that will impact the rest of their lives. If you are old enough to fight and die for your country, you should be able to purchase or consume an alcoholic beverage. If we look at the War, half of the soldiers that fight in that war are under the age of twenty-one, and a lot of them were 17 to 19 years old. Registration for the draft is one of the requirements for all citizens at age eighteen. Even if a person is not actually drafted, the idea that an individual is responsible enough to go to war, carry a firearm, or launch nuclear weapons implies that an eighteen year old is making the same decisions as any other adult. Thousands of men and women are deployed every day to deal with the problems in other countries. While they are over there, soldiers witness many things that we could never dream of. Drinking alcohol and serving in the war can’t even compare. In this newspaper article â€Å"World Snapshot Alaskan Bid to Lower Drinking Age for US Troops† it talks about how Lynn has been careful to note that neither he nor his bill promotes drinking or smoking as a habit. But, he said, the bill would quot;enable all active duty warriors in our US Armed Forces to be treated as adults, regardless of age. quot;Its outrageous that a member of our military can be subjected to the horrors of war but cant legally have a beer or smoke a cigarette,quot; Lynn wrote on his blog. quot; Any soldier who braves military combat and risks their life for our country should be treated like an adult in every sense of the word.quot; Some people would argue that the age should stay at twenty one and their reasoning could be that the main purpose of making the drinking age 21 isn’t just to keep alcohol away from young teenagers but to keep them as safe as possible. Allowing children to drink at a younger age just makes more problems. Most young and inexperienced drinkers usually don’t know their limit which could lead to serious problems like alcohol poisoning. Alcohol is dangerous and can have big consequences on anybody. According to Richard Bonnie alcohol use among youths is strongly correlated with violence, risky sexual behavior, poor school performance, suicide and other harmful behaviors. All things we wouldn’t want for teenagers or even kids. Alcohol is still a serious problem all around the world. It does not go away when you turn 21. Age does not determine whether or not an individual drinks responsibly. I strongly believe that the minimum legal drinking age should be set at eighteen not twenty-one. Underage drinking is going on in every state and is obviously not being controlled. If a person can vote, and even go to war at eighteen, why shouldn’t they be able to go out to dinner and have a glass of wine? Not only will the drinking age change things but it could also help with kids and bonding with their parents. Works Cited [Book] Bonnie, Richard J., and Mary Ellen OConnell. Reducing Underage Drinking: A Collective Responsibility. Washington, DC: National Academies, 2004. Print. [Interview] Engs, Ruth. The Drinking Age Should Be Lowered. Interview by David Hanson. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Dec. 2012. [Website]Weber, Jason. Letting Your Children Drink at Home – Good Idea or Bad Idea? N.p., 17 Aug. 2011. Web. 4 Dec. 2012. [News Paper]World Snapshot Alaskan Bid to Lower Drinking Age for US Troops. 2 Apr. 2011: 43. Newspaper Source Plus. Web. 5

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Varieties of Market Segmentation

Varieties of Market Segmentation MARKET SEGMENTATION Market segmentation is the process of categorizing the market into several groups on the basis of various factors such as demographic, geographic, psychological, and behavioral factors. This is to ensure that the marketers can understand their target audience better so as to make the marketing more effective and get more satisfied customers. Thus, the marketers can gain a great advantage over the competitors. There are different ways by which market segments can be categorized. It can be done by categorizing the preferences of the consumer. Based on this, market can be categorized as homogeneous preferences, diffused preferences and clustered preferences. In homogeneous preferences the customers roughly have the same preferences whereas it varies in case of diffused preferences. When a group of consumers have shared preferences it leads to the formation of natural market segment which refers to clustered preference. While marketing a product three areas of marketing must be taken into consideration, i.e, mass marketing, product differentiated marketing and target marketing. Mass marketing takes into account mass producing, mass distributes and mass promotes on product to all buyers. It is important to realize the great variety in individual customers and therefore the marketers use this type of segmentation to customize their marketing programmes for each customer. In product differentiated marketing more than one product with different features, style, size, and quality is introduced. In target marketing, on the basis of the market segments the products are developed and customized. Market segments can be differentiated in various ways. Some of them are demographics, geographics, psychographics and behavioural segmentation. Demographic segmentation Demographic factors are age, gender, income, occupation, education, religion, generation, nationality, family size, family cycle, social class etc. Based on these demographic values, the customers are divided into various segments. This type of segmentation is suitable because the variables are easy to measure and as they provide description of the target customers therefore media buyers and others can target a desired target market. Some of the important variables while segmenting markets are: Age and Life cycle segmentation As the desire and need of customer change with their age therefore age and life cycle is a good factor in order to determine marketing approach. One of the examples is of a 70 year old person using landlines instead of mobile phones due to lack of technological knowledge. Therefore marketers need to take this into consideration and guard against stereotypes. This can also be associated with buying pattern and behavioural characterstic. For example, as married people have various economical obligation therefore they tend to spend less on luxury items whereas on the contrary, single people tend to purchase new fashionable items as they don’t have such economic obligations. Gender Segmentation As the needs and wants of men and women are different therefore gender segmentation is being applied from a long time in terms of clothing, hairstyle, magazines, cosmetics. But the marketers must not define a product as being masculine or feminine as metro sexuality has become a common gender-factor. Income Segmentation This type of segmentation can be seen in automobiles, financial services, travel, clothing, and cosmetics. Usually the high income customers are the target but it should be considered by the companies that just the income cannot be suitable criteria to determine the customer as they might have different preferences and priorities while selecting a product. Even the lower income groups are targeted as the competitive pressure reduces and the consumer loyalty is gained. Generation Segmentation Various significant events, many a times characterize a particular period. These influential factors can be music, politics, movies etc. Therefore the marketers must make use of the images and icons of a particular generation in order to market their product. Social class Segmentation Most of the companies design their product for a specific social class. It divides the customers on the basis of their preferences towards cars, clothing, leisure activities, home furnishing, retailers, reading habits etc. Demographic segmentation thus assumes that people with different backgrounds and other differences are likely to share same values and behaviour. Geographic Segmentation In this method of segmentation, customers can be categorized on the basis of countries, nation, state, region, city, and neighborhood. But a company must consider the fact that the data might vary due to population shift. Various sales and purchases are based on the geographical variables as the purchasing behaviour of the customers are influenced on where they live or work. Sometimes there are also differences in the location where the product is marketted due to cultural factors, tradition, politics. These differences can be significant in one segment whereas in other segments there might just be minor differences. Globalization plays a major role in linking socio economic and demographic characteristics. This type of segmentation is referred to as geodemographics. It therefore combines the target customers with where they live. Instead of comparing the consumers by their occupation, the consumers are compared on the basis of where they live, hence the companies are more capable of predicting consumer behaviour. Psychographic Segmentation There are two types of customers, personality profiles and lifestyle profiles. The psychological variables provide the marketer opportunity to get additional information about traditional, geographical, demographic bases like sex, age, income. Psychological profiles are often used as a supplement to geographics and demographics. Therefore on the basis of their attitude, values, lifestyles, interests and opinions people are divided in psychographic segmentaton. Behavioural Segmentation There are various behavioural variables such as occasions, benefits, status, usage rates, loyalty, attitude, buyer readiness (which will be discussed in detail) which determine behavioural segmentation .These variables are considered the best starting points in constructing market segments which are mainly based on the customers attitude towards the use and response to a product. Occasions Customers are divided into segments according to the time on which they get the idea to buy a product. The time can be a day , a week, a month or an year. An example for this situation is the variation in market strategy for Christmas and Valentines day. Benefits As different kind of people look for different benefits in the same product, this segmentation divides the customers based on this. People tend to look for the benefits provided by different brands and accordingly they make their choice. Here casual factors play a major role rather than descriptive factor like demographics. User status This type segmentation is done on the basis of the category of users , i.e potential users, non users, ex-users, first time users, regular users etc. The marketing approach varies according to the type of users. Usage rate Based on the usage of the product, the customers are divided into various segments like non users, heavy, medium, light product users. The basic strategy followed by the company is to target one heavy user instead of several light product users because the heavy users account for a high percentage of total buying although they constitute a small percentage of the market. But the other users must not be neglected as even they may provide better future prospects. Usage rate further divides the customer according to time which means that the product to be sold may vary according to time. Buyer readiness stage It depends on the factors such as people’s awareness and interest in the product. A person might be aware of the product and he also may not be. The difference lies in whether they are just informed about the product or interested in buying the product or they desire to buy the product or just intend to buy the product. In all the cases, a customer must be lead along so that he finally gets convinced to buy the product. For example, a person belonging to a different place might not be aware of the products particularly sold at one place hence the marketing strategy should be different at that place and the product should be promoted more. Loyalty status Based on the loyalty of the customers, they can be categorized as hard core loyals, split loyals, shifting loyals and switchers. Hard core loyals tend to stick to a particular brand for a long period of time without even considering other brands. Split loyals have preference towards two to three brands and they keep switching in these. Shifting loyals stay with a particular brand for some time and then change it. Switchers do not have any specific choice and they keep changing the brands from time to time. Attitude People can have an enthusiastic, indifferent, positive, negative, or hostile approach towards a product. Based on these factors people can be divided into various segments and hence the company can get a good idea of the market and the strtegy to be followed. To improve the targetting strategies and get a clear picture of the market, it is important for the marketers to combine different behavioural variables. A marketer must reach all buyers in all segments by defining its target audience. By taking into account various concepts such as demographic segmentation, geographic segmentation, the psychographic segmentation and the behavioural segmentation, a company must decide which is the most appropriate concept while designing the market strategy. For example , demographic and behavioural segmentation are the most appropriate one’s while designing market strategies of a telephone as the ages of the customers is an important factor. Apart from age, attitude is also an important factor. Once the target customers have been defined, the next step is to evaluate the market segments and decide in which segments the marketing strategy should be directed. Market targeting is the second stage of the segmentation process.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Designing a Projectile Launcher

Designing a Projectile Launcher INTRODUCTIONProjectile motion occurs when an object or particle is dropped or is fired at some initial velocity, where it moves along a curved path under the influence of gravity (Splung,2015). It is known that without air resistance the maximum range is achieved at a launch angle of 45 ° and is illustrated below in figure 1, the report will determine whether or not this remains true in real life.      Ã‚   . This report will include a design and construction of a projectile launcher and will investigate the relationship between the range and angle of a projectile. The launcher will use mechanical means to launch the projectile, it will also be able to reset so that the firing technique is identical every time and will be safe for the operator. AIM: To design and construct a projectile launcher that will be used to investigate the relationship between the range of a projectile and its launch angle. HYPOTHESIS: That the projectile will achieve a maximum range with a launch angle of 40 ° including the horizontal force of air resistance.INDEPENDENT VARIABLES: The independent variables is the angle of release, measured in degrees. DEPENDENT VARIABLES: The dependent variable is the range at which the projectile will land. CONTROLLED VARIBALES: The controlled variables are the handball projectile and the height of release. APPARTUS AND MATERIALS: Projectile launcher Handball projectile Sand pit Tape measure Protractor Design and construction of the projectile Launcher PROCEDURE Have projectile launcher on a table one metre above the ground and angle the projectile at 0 ° with a protractor. Load the handball projectile into the launcher and set the projectile in position so that it can be fired by the triggering release. Have the sandpit set up at the distance the projectile will land. Fire the projectile such that it lands in the sandpit and measure with tape measure and record results Repeat steps 1-4, 5 times with the constant height but varying the starting angle each time SAFETY HAZARDS Hazards Precautions/Actions Risk of projectile hitting someone As the projectile is continuously being fired from the launcher it is important for this experiment to be carried out away from other groups. Group members will need to stand away and watch from a safe distance. Also for the operator, in order to shoot the projectile without being injured they should use the projectile as intended and pull the trigger down carefully before letting go. Personal attire should be appropriate for laboratory work Any hanging or loose jewellery should be removed before conducting experiment to minimise chances of getting caught by any parts of the launcher as it can be easy to be caught by the steel pole if operator is not careful. Teacher is to be notified if it gets caught and to safely remove and look for any injuries because of the jewellery. Equipment should be firmly together So that the equipment does not breakdown mid trial and potentially injure someone, the equipment should be put firmly in place with everything intact before conducting any trial. RESULTS Table 1: Table of results Starting angle () Landing range   of projectile trial 1 (m) Landing range of projectile trial 2 (m) Average range (m) 0 2.26 2.30 2.28 20 2.46 2.40   2.43 40 3.06   3.01   3.04   45 2.45 2.94 2.70 50 2.75 2.74 2.75 Figure 3: Relationship between starting angle and average landing range Using the slope formula It is clear from table 1 that for this particular experiment the best angle to achieve maximum It is clear in figure 3 that ashad increased the resistance had also increased, this means that there is an directly proportional relationship between resistance and, indicating that the thicker the wire means less resistance as d2 will be inversely proportional to resistance, which is due to less collisions with thicker wires. Results shown in figure 3 shows little scatter around the trend line. This indicates a high level of precision in the results, indicating that there were minimal random errors. Possible sources of random error that may have reduce the precision of the result is slight misreading values in the protractor and this could have happened due to parallax error. The correct lining of sight needs to be used to avoid parallax error, the exact point is only measured if the mark of the protractor is exactly parallel to the eyes and is difficult to achieve with the human eye, and ultimately cannot be avoided. But According to the graph in figure 3, it is seen that there are no outliers from the trend line, which suggests that this did not happen. If this fault was from parallax error, a way to minimise this error is to have an instrument designed to eliminate this effect by placing a mirrored surface behind the launch angle so the operator can align eyesight with the scale with ease. Another random error is possibly setting up the equipment incorrectly, as having   Ã‚   Possible sources of systematic error that may have reduced the accuracy of the results may possibly have been a problem with the projectile launcher, not having consistency in the velocity at each launch which will affect the range of the projectile, to minimise this error is to have some sort of velocity measurer to keep consistency in the projectile launcher. the process of levelling eye level and where the values are located in the protractor. CONCLUSIONThe aim of this experiment was to design and construct a projectile launcher that will be used to investigate the relationship between the range of a projectile and its launch angle. This was attained by varying the angle of the constructed launcher and firing it at the same height with the same tension every time. It was clear from this experiment that there is a relationship between the angle of release of an object and the landing range and that they had a parabolic relationship. The hypothesis that the projectile will achieve a maximum range with a launch angle of 40 ° including the horizontal force of air resistance, was supported as it is seen in table 1 that the maximum range is achieved when launched at an angle of 40. Sources used: William Shakespeare was born in this house and grew up here with his parents and siblings. He also spent the first five years of his marriage living here with his wife Anne Hathaway. John and Mary Shakespeare were wealthy enough to own the largest house on Henley Street. John Shakespeare lived and worked in this house for fifty years. When he married Mary Arden she came to live with him and they had a total of eight children, William was the third to be born. In 1568 John became the Mayor of Stratford, which was the highest elective office in the town. On Sunday, dressed in his fine red robes, he would have been escorted to Holy Trinity church to attend mass. It was because of his fathers status as Mayor that William was privileged enough to have attended the local grammar school to begin his education. John Shakespeare died in 1601 and as the eldest surviving child, William inherited the house. He leased part of the property and it became an inn called the Maidenhead (and later the Swan and Maidenhead). The inn remained until 1847. When Shakespeare died he left the house to his eldest daughter Susanna, and when she died she left it to her only child, Elizabeth. Although she married twice Elizabeth had no children, so when she died the house fell to a descendant of Joan Hart, one of Shakespeares sisters. The house was owned by the Hart family until the late 18th century, until it went up for sale and was purchased by the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust in 1847. We have cared for it ever since. For the official guidebook of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust visit our online shop.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Classical Approaches to Teaching English as a Second Language Essay

During the last hundred years, English has become the most important language in the world. In the contemporary age, learning any foreign tongue has become both fashionable and necessary. But is there a perfect method which can be applied to achieve the appropriate level of English? I have been learning English for more than 10 years, but have never realized that there are so many different techniques and approaches to teach English as a second language. While studying, I have noticed that I had experienced some of them at the primary and secondary school. In this essay I would like to present my personal opinions and reflections about the approaches I encountered, the ways they were presented and exploited by my English teachers. First, I want to concentrate on the Grammar-Translation Method. Personally I think that many teachers use this technique while teaching a foreign language, but they do not even realize it. We may contend that it is the most common method, due to the fact that it is considered to be quite easy. I contend there is nothing more complicated than to give students a passage to translate from one language to another. Is it interesting or challenging for the students? I do not think so. I remember I did a lot of translation at school and that was not my favorite activity. Besides, it was hard for us to find any purpose in them. Apart from that, most of my classmates were simply bored. Sometimes it was too difficult and we had to spend many hours to find the meaning of a particular word in a dictionary. Without a doubt, that was not the way I wanted to learn English. Furthermore, translating a literary text was something entirely useless for me. And although we were rarely exposed to such a t ranslation... ... teacher and gave the commands to the class. Our favorite game was â€Å"Simon says†. It was considered to be quite easy because students did not have to repeat the commands but respond physically. Even when somebody made a mistake and showed something in a wrong way, he or she was not discouraged, because for us it was like playing not learning. In the final analysis, I must admit that I did not come across the perfect method to teach English. Every technique has its advantages and disadvantages. It all depends on the teacher; how and what he/she is going to adopt from a particular approach to his/her lesson. One thing I know for sure: we should not force students to learn a language in a way that is the best for us. To sum up I would like to quote a sentence which I found very interesting: â€Å"If the students don’t learn the way you teach, teach them the way they learn†.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

National Basketball Championship Essay examples -- Sports Basketball

The ball soaring towards the basket; flying all the way from half-court. Bang! The ball slams off the backboard and plunges onto the rim as 70,930 people fall into shock. Will the impossible happen? Unfortunately for the upstart Butler Bulldogs, Gordan Hayward's desperation heave at the buzzer of the 2010 NCAA National Championship game was 3 inches off the mark, allowing perennial power Duke to walk away with their fourht National Championship. However, Butler's magical run shows why the NCAA Tournament is such a great event and why it does its job as a fair way to decide the National Champion. Meanwhile, three months earlier, Boise State is stuck at home, wondering what could have been as they watch Alabama and Texas get the opportunity to play for the National Championship. Boise State was undefeated. The BCS system, which decides the two teams who get to play for the title in college football, is considered by many to be iniquitous and believe the sport should switch to a playoff format similarly to what is used in college basketball. The two championships are set up quite differently. The obvious difference is that the basketball format is a playoff, while in football only two teams get the chance to play. A committee of people come together and set up the basketball tournament by seeding the teams into four â€Å"brackets†, seeding the teams 1-17 in each bracket. The decision making process can be quite complicated. First of all, 30 teams automatically play their way into the tournament by winning their conference tournament. This means no matter how terrible a team played in the regular season, they still get the chance to play their way into the National Championship game. The only exception to this is the Ivy League. They do ... ... truth is the reason that the college football universe is being prevented from getting a playoff. Even though in many ways a playoff is a fairer, more efficient, and more entertaining way of deciding the National Champion, money and power end up smothering this idea. Until the people with the power decide to finally do the right thing, there will always be teams such as Boise State or TCU on the outside looking in, wondering what could have been. Works Cited Eisenburg, Jeff. â€Å"How college hoops would look if the BCS replaced the NCAA tourney.† 11 November 2010. Web. 22 November 2010. Murphy, Austin. â€Å"BCS supporters don’t get it: current system isn’t better than playoff.† 12 November 2010. Web. 22 November 2010. Murphy, Austin and Dan Wetzel. â€Å"Does it Matter?† Sports Illustrated. 15 November 2010: 42-48. National Basketball Championship Essay examples -- Sports Basketball The ball soaring towards the basket; flying all the way from half-court. Bang! The ball slams off the backboard and plunges onto the rim as 70,930 people fall into shock. Will the impossible happen? Unfortunately for the upstart Butler Bulldogs, Gordan Hayward's desperation heave at the buzzer of the 2010 NCAA National Championship game was 3 inches off the mark, allowing perennial power Duke to walk away with their fourht National Championship. However, Butler's magical run shows why the NCAA Tournament is such a great event and why it does its job as a fair way to decide the National Champion. Meanwhile, three months earlier, Boise State is stuck at home, wondering what could have been as they watch Alabama and Texas get the opportunity to play for the National Championship. Boise State was undefeated. The BCS system, which decides the two teams who get to play for the title in college football, is considered by many to be iniquitous and believe the sport should switch to a playoff format similarly to what is used in college basketball. The two championships are set up quite differently. The obvious difference is that the basketball format is a playoff, while in football only two teams get the chance to play. A committee of people come together and set up the basketball tournament by seeding the teams into four â€Å"brackets†, seeding the teams 1-17 in each bracket. The decision making process can be quite complicated. First of all, 30 teams automatically play their way into the tournament by winning their conference tournament. This means no matter how terrible a team played in the regular season, they still get the chance to play their way into the National Championship game. The only exception to this is the Ivy League. They do ... ... truth is the reason that the college football universe is being prevented from getting a playoff. Even though in many ways a playoff is a fairer, more efficient, and more entertaining way of deciding the National Champion, money and power end up smothering this idea. Until the people with the power decide to finally do the right thing, there will always be teams such as Boise State or TCU on the outside looking in, wondering what could have been. Works Cited Eisenburg, Jeff. â€Å"How college hoops would look if the BCS replaced the NCAA tourney.† 11 November 2010. Web. 22 November 2010. Murphy, Austin. â€Å"BCS supporters don’t get it: current system isn’t better than playoff.† 12 November 2010. Web. 22 November 2010. Murphy, Austin and Dan Wetzel. â€Å"Does it Matter?† Sports Illustrated. 15 November 2010: 42-48.

Censorship In Europe :: essays research papers

Americans think of Europeans as essentially like themselves. They believe European societies are like their own-rooted in the rule of law, freedom of religion, democratic government, market competition, and an unfettered press. In recent years, however, Europeans have given up an essential liberty: freedom of speech. It is true that in the United States prevailing orthodoxies on some questions are ruthlessly enforced but it is still legal to say just about anything. Not so in much of Europe. In the last decade or so countries we think of as fellow democracies-France, Germany, Switzerland and others-have passed laws that limit free speech for the same crude ideological reasons that drove the brief, unsuccessful vogue of campus speech codes in the United States. Today in Europe there are laws as bad as anything George Orwell could have imagined. In some countries courts have ruled that the facts are irrelevant, and that certain things must not be said whether they are true or false. In others, a defendant in court who tries to explain or defend a forbidden view will be charged on the spot with a fresh offense. Even his lawyer can be fined or go to jail for trying to mount a defense. In one case a judge ordered that a bookseller's entire stock-innocent as well as offending titles-be burned! Just as Eastern Europe is emerging from it, Western Europe has entered the thought-crime era, in a return to the mentality that launched the Inquisition and the wars of religion. It is a tyranny of the left practiced by the very people who profess shock at the tactics of Joseph McCarthy, an exercise of raw power in the service of pure ideology. The desire not merely to debate one's opponents but to disgrace them, muzzle them, fine them, jail them is utterly contrary to the spirit of civilized discourse. It is profoundly disturbing to find this ugly sentiment codified into law in some of the countries we think of as pillars of Western Civilization. At the same time, these laws cannot help but draw attention to the very ideas they forbid. Truth does not generally require the help of censors. There are two subjects about which Europeans can no longer speak freely. One is race and the other is Nazi Germany. "Anti-racism" laws generally take the form of forbidding the expression of opinions that might stir up "hatred" against any racial or ethnic group.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Play Observation Essay

Kiahi a boy of about 3 years old was playing alone stood on a small hill of dirt , at first it looked like her was just looking at the other kids play. When I kept looking at him to see if he was just going to continue to doing nothing, but watch the other children I noticed that he was standing there like a solider tall and with determination on his face. With his hand to his forehead looking about as the other children ran around. After a while I see that he is pointing to his class mates at random and looks to be giving directions, more like orders, of some sort, although no one is paying attention. After giving off orders in a solider like manner he nods his head, as though satisfied with himself and his team though it was just him playing, and pulls out some kind of black/sliver rectangular key chain object out of his shirt pocket. He clicks on it, as if it had buttons, brings it up to his ear and talks and nods, he’s using it as a cell phone. After he is done he clicks i t again to end the call and puts it back to his pocket. Then he just runs off the hill and goes plays at the play structure, as if what he just did never happened. At first I thought Kiahi was engaging in unoccupied play, because to me it looked as if he was doing nothing at all but just looking at what everyone else was doing. As I kept observing him it looked to him that his was doing solitary play. Playing out a role of someone with authorization giving out orders, and taking calls. It was solitary because no one else was engaging with him in is play even though he pointed out to other kids when giving off orders no one paid him attention. Sophia a girl of about 4 years old with a temperament of a being shy and quite, wasn’t playing with anybody else. She was reluctant to join anybody for play. After a while Sophia looks to have acquired a play mate Elena a soft spoken 3 years old, though in some occasions I did hear her be a little louder towards other kids, they are playing in the sand box. It looks like they are playing kitchen; cooking, serving, cutting and cleaning. Throughout the play not a word was spoken, but they seemed to communicate in their own silent way. After a while Sophia and Elena moved to play with the balls, when Sophia would turn her back on the ball and it rolled away from her instead of calling out to Sophia to get the ball Elena runs after the ball and gives it back to Sophia in her hands and points to the baskets behind her. In a silent gesture to throw the ball at the basket. I found these  girls interesting because I’ve observed them for a while during the morning time when dropped off up until free play outside. I know for a fact that both girls speak Elena even yells at times when kids don’t pay attention for following the rules. Sophia is new to the pre-school program at Head Start and cries when her Mom, as Ms.Perla informed me, leaves her but just for a few minutes. It takes Sophia a few hours to get into play with actual words being spoken. Elena is a sweet little that separated from her little group of friends to play with Sophia and to me it looked as if Elena understood Sophia not wanting to speak, seeing as Elena ever attempted to say a single word to her. At first Sophia was engaging in solitary play, playing on her own on the play structure. In the sand box Sophia and Elena cooperative playing, even though they didn’t say a word, the worked together to prepare, cook and serve a meal and clean up after they were done. They had a common goal in playing kitchen. After that they played with the balls which turned to associative play still playing together but without a common goal because Sophia wasn’t as engaged as Elena in trying to play basketball.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Areas of Learning

|Area |Extending learning and development | |Quiet/reading area |The quiet area allows children to develop their understanding of the written word; they learn that words convey meaning and that| | |this is mirrored by the pictures that are in the books. | |They develop interaction with others through the use of books and listening | | |They learn to share and co-operate | | |They learn concentration and self control | | |They learn about the world around them, concepts, ideas and morals | | |They learn to take care of possessions | |Small world |The children learn to role play and to share and take turns with others | | |They learn social interaction and effective communication | | |The learn tolerance and understand of other people’s ideas and beliefs | | |The develop their fine motor skills | | |They learn about the world in which they all live | |Role play |The children learn to role play, to pretend and to accept other’s as part of that pretence | | |They learn to socialise, to share toys and ideas | | |They develop their imagination | | |The imitate talk and behaviour | | They learn to dress themselves | | |The develop their ability to take on a role and develop it | | |They share and take turns | | |They mark make | | |They mimic and copy | |Mark making |In mark making they learn to use different mediums to create marks | | |They develop their fine motor skills | | |They extend their language | | |They make decisions, take turns and share | | |They develop an understanding of the written word and learn that words convey meaning | | |The improve their manual dexterity and hand eye co-ordination | | |They develop their understanding of topics and show pride in their achievements They learn to write, draw and recognise colour | | |They develop control and concentration | |Maths/ICT |In this area they learn more/less | | |They will develop problem solving and logic | | |The children will learn to communicate and develop the use of mat hematical language | | |They will learn hand eye-co-ordination, fine and gross motor skills | | |They will develop their understanding of number, counting and it’s symbolic representation | | |They will compare, contrast, match and sort (using various criterion) | |They will develop and awareness of computer and mouse control | | |They will learn to share and take turns | |Craft |The children will use a variety of different mediums to create | | |They will develop fine motor skills and hand eye co-ordination | | |They will learn about colour, pattern and texture | | |The will use their imagination and draw upon their understanding of the world in which they live. | |The children develop their creative awareness and independence | | |They will use imagination and problem solving | | |The will develop their social skills, communication and co-operative skills | | |The will begin to develop self-expression , confidence and creative flair | |Outside |The children will under stand the environment, learning about weather and the world in which they live | | |They will develop their spatial awareness /gross motor skills | | |The will explore their manipulative skills/sense of balance/agility skills/risk taking | | |The will develop their spatial awareness/fine manipulative/gross motor skills | | |They will develop their hand-eye and foot-eye co-ordination/ locomotive skills | | |They will develop social skills, turn taking, sharing and creativity | | |They will develop their language and communication skills | |They will develop their confidence and awareness of their own capabilities as well as pushing themselves a little more to learn | | |new skills | Whilst the children are learning through their play and through all the skills and areas above we will monitor and support them in order to help them develop in the right way. We will encourage good behaviour and discourage negative behaviour. We will give the children confidence to develop their skill set, confidence and capabilities. We keep a continual record of their achievements so that we can monitor their progress and highlight and areas for special consideration. In this way we will engender high levels of expectation and achievement.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Ebusiness Wgu

To: Hiring Manager Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and for considering me for employment at your organization. As a college graduate with international work experience, I have demonstrated an ability to effectively communicate with diverse types of people and quickly adapt to new work environments. My degree in Economics from the University of South Florida provided me with the ability to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills that are essential to an effective educator, leader, and role model. Also I played and coached on many sports teams, mostly American football in the USA.My experience of working abroad, education, and experience teaching ESL at Korean public schools has provided me with many tools that would be applicable for this position. Being a new teacher in South Korea, I had no working knowledge on how to lead an effective classroom. Not only was there the stress of being a new teacher, but also the anxiety of living in a completely differ ent culture. Through ambition and hard work, I self learned how to create an optimal learning environment that fostered motivation and inquisitiveness from students.Comparably, I learned how to live and thrive in a new country by learning the language and customs. The skills I obtained from this job, such as, leadership, organizational skills, effective communication skills, modern ESL pedagogy, advance computer proficiencies, and the ability to adapt, will help me thrive as an educator at your school. In addition, I have many years experience working in a customer oriented environment, which included sales and shift management positions. At 717 parking I was involved directly with many customers on a daily basis.At this job, I established effective communication with all customers and was liable for the security and protection of vehicles that were sometimes valued at over $100,000. I demonstrated leadership and management skills by employing teamwork and accountability standards. This experience, in concurrence with teaching, I hope proves that I have the potential to be a successful teacher and role model. This winter I was a ski instructor in Aspen, Colorado. I taught students aged 4-60 years old.This experience offered many opportunities to execute effective teaching methodologies while educating kids and adults that have never skied before. Communication skills and patience helped me provide the best training to my students. I am confident that I can successfully execute the responsibilities of this position. I want to continue my progression of success and would look forward to speaking with you about how my qualifications may fulfill the requirements of your staffing needs. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Sincerely, Mr. James Watson *

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Reflection on a clinical skill Essay

This essay will discuss a clinical experience in which I feel more competent in practicing. I will use a reflective model to discuss how I have achieved the necessary level of competence in my nurse training programme.The reflective model I have chosen to use is Gibbs model (Gibbs 1988). Gibbs model of reflection incorporates the following: description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and an action plan (Gibbs 1988). The model will help facilitate critical thought process as it relates theory to practice. Discussion will include the knowledge underpinning practice and the evidence base for the clinical skill. A conclusion to the essay will then be given which will discuss my reflection skills, acknowledge my competence and show my personal and professional development. Trigger Event The clinical skill I have chosen to reflect on within this essay is my first IV start. I have chosen this as my first clinical placement is on a surgical unit, where Intravenous therapy is a widely used to administer medication. I was very happy to finally be able to start developing this skill as I have seen it done several time and was ever able to acquire the process in which is needed to start an intravenous. Appraisal The first stage of Gibbs (1988) model of reflection requires a description of events. As a transitioning Registered Practical Nurse to a Registered Nurse the expectation are that I will have develop this scope in my practice. I had observed this clinical skill on a variety of occasions and had previously administered IV medication and antibiotics under supervision. On this occasion I was being observed by my clinical educator. I had gathered all the necessary things I needed which included a bag of normal saline. My clinical educator was talk me through the procedure step by step and informed me that I should never place the tape on any surface as tit leads to cross contamination, and I should always clean blood from around the IV site. The facility also uses chlorhexadine instead of alcohol as eliminates stinging sensation. The second stage of Gibbs (1988) model of reflection, which is a discussion about my thoughts and feelings. I was aware of being under the supervision of my educator and other classmates this made me feel  very nervous and self- conscious. Once my professor said I am in do not advance I realize how truly nervous and under pressure I was feeling. I held my breath as I did not want this vain to blow and have to stink the patient again. This patient was an elderly gentlemen and I did not want the patient to feel that I did not know what I was doing. I thought that as I had been observed this clinical procedure on many other occasions it would be easy for me to do but it was very challenging, finding an appropriate vain, the right size of needle and wanting to get success on my first try made this a very trying experience. Exploration Evaluation is the third stage of Gibbs (1988) model of reflection and requires the reflector to with state what was good and bad about the event. This experience was filled with emotion because for many years I have been an rpn and I always wanted to be able to start an IV and I finally got to do just that. I think the best thing about this experience is I got it the first time and my instructor made it seem so effortless. So many times I had place tape on the hand rail of a bed in preparation of taping a dressing, I never thought of the fact that I was taking all the germs from that rail onto the patient. This one little thing has caused me to change my present practice. Integration Stage four of Gibbs (1988) is an analysis of the event, where Gibbs encourages the reflector to make sense of the situation. I will do this by exploring the skill and look for other opportunities to get more starts that I will feel more confident in my practice. In conclusion the use of this model of reflection has helped me to structure my thoughts and feelings appropriately. My level of awareness concerning evidence based practice, and its importance, has been enhanced with the use of critical reflection. My competence, within this clinical skill, has been further developed and I now feel that my personal and professional development is progressing. Using this reflective model has helped me to realise that my learning is something which I must be proactive in. Furthermore as a student nurse I have recognised that reflection is an important learning tool in practice.